Thursday, May 26, 2011

today's the day!

The big day is here! Can you tell where I'm headed? I'm going to Niagara Falls! I'm so excited! But first, I get to accompany my boyfriend's family to Bald Head Island for a week. This means that I'll be gone for a little over two weeks! It's been a busy week so I haven't really had time to create any posts, but I'm sure you'll forgive me for my absence. See you in June!

(And in case you were wondering, I'm not doing guest bloggers just because I initially thought that the Niagara Falls trip would be later in June and that I'd just schedule some posts for the Bald Head Island trip and worry about guest bloggers for my next two trips. By the time I found out that we'd be leaving for Niagara Falls on the fifth, I didn't feel it was right for me to ask people to step in for me with only a week's notice. 

Next vacation, you'll get to see some faces besides mine on this blog, hopefully!

Also, so many exclamation points! Can you tell I'm both excited and extremely nervous?)

Friday, May 13, 2011

weekly favorites

Back to normal on the "weekly favorites" front, but I feel like I should apolgoize for the lack of outfit posts lately. I've had some trouble sleeping which in turn makes me feel like crap and makes me even more prone to anxiety and this week has just felt like a whole mess. Tomorrow, I should have an outfit post (or two!) for you because my older sister is graduating! I still have no idea what I'm wearing, though. D:
Onto the outfits! This week's theme is essentially Women Who Are Infinitely More Fierce Than Me.

1. eat.sleep.wear. - The shorts, the elbow patches on the striped sweater- this outfit was pulled out of my dreams.

2. Kendi Everyday - Are you guys tired of seeing bright pants in my posts? Too bad, because if Kendi will keep wearing them, I will keep drooling and cursing my adolescent body for not fitting into Gap clothes.
3. Selective Potential - Tieka's outfit was not only cute, but featured a killer backdrop. And I have to say, I do like a good themed post.

4. The Daybook - I love this entire outfit so much that I want to frame it and put it on my wall. Is that creepy?

Saturday, May 7, 2011


In lieu of a weekly favorites post (because I've alternated between being swamped and having no energy all week which doesn't make for the best blogging experience), I thought I would show off some things that I've pinned on Pinterest.

(1, 2, 3, and 4)

I'll let you guess what item I just bought based on what these pictures have in common. I hope everyone has a great weekend and I'll be back to the normal weekly favorites next week!